You have worked hard to ensure your local community knows all about your company and its services or products. You attend local networking events, pass out business cards, and interact with professional referral sources regularly in the course of your day. However, are you giving your online brand the same amount of attention?

Most business owners struggle with finding their footing online. This becomes even more prevalent when a business is primarily a local one, or any company that did not start out online. However, just because you might feel uncomfortable or undereducated about the digital space, it doesn’t mean you can ignore it. Today, more customers use online searches, social media, and other digital means to find services and products than ever before.

Don’t miss out on capturing your audience and building rapport online. Here are a few tips on building your online brand.

Create a Resource Library

Your online brand should be one that inspires trust. You already know you are the expert in your area, but do your online visitors? Share your knowledge and build trust with those that research your company by creating a resource library full of blog posts and other content that answers questions your customers may be searching for. Get even more out of your efforts by optimizing your content so that browsers find you more easily.

Keep Things Simple

Don’t overwhelm your browsers with too much information online. Instead, give highlights and enough information to entice them to take the next step – either downloading an eBook, subscribing to a newsletter, or contacting your business directly. You’ll find that a simple approach is much more effective when building your online presence.

Encourage Conversation

Online branding is all about creating and maintaining engagement with customers via an ongoing conversation online. Ensure you are creating content that is shareable and that you encourage readers to comment on social media posts. Then, do your part and respond back, even if it is a quick “thank you”. Soon, your readers will feel a part of your community, which creates loyalty.

Keep It Professional

Finally, create content via social media and your website that is professional. Skip posting divisive content and always be courteous to the competition. Remember, your online brand should match up with your in-real-life brand.

Wondering how to translate your brand and goals to the digital space? Let us help. Our team can provide you with comprehensive digital marketing strategy to help you achieve your short and long term goals.

Call us today to learn more.

Published by
Andrew Sansardo

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